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Declaratii avere si interese 2019

Lista declaratiilor de avere si de interese angajatilor directiei aferente anului 2019:

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An Adobe Acrobat file ALEXANDRU_BIANCA_IULIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ANDREI_ELENA_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ANDRONE_GEORGE_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ARABOL_CRISTINA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ARBAGIC_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file AVRAMESCU_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BADEA_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BANU_MIRELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BARBU_RODICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BOBOC_FANICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BUDAC_ADRIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BUZOIANU_IULIAN_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHIRANA_TATIANA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHIRICA_LUIZA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHIVULESCU_NICULINA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CIOBANESCU_CRISTIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CISMASU_ANDREEADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file COMSA_ANTOANELA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CONSTANDACHE_PETRONELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CORNEI_IRINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file COSNITA_MARIA_MAGDALENADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file COVACS_NICOLETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CRISTEA_IONELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DOBRIN_ALEXANDRADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DRAGANICA_GHEORGHEDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DRAGU_PAUL_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DULCEATA_MARILENA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file FERARU_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file FLESERU_CARMEN_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHE_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHE_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHIU_VALENTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GOTA_MADALINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GROSU_LAVINIA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GROZAVU_LAURENTIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HATCAREANU_CARMEN_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IANCU_MARGARETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ION_ANISOARADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IORDACHE_GINA_NICULINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IORDACHE_NICOLETA_CORINA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ISPIR_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ISTRATE_VICTORITA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IVANOV_ADRIAN_BOGDANELDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IVAN_DORIN_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file KHELLACHA_MARIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MAGEARU_CORNELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MANOLIU_MARIUS_FLORIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARIN_MIRELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARTIN_VALENTINDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARTIN_VIORICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHAILIDIS_VALERICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHAI_LUMINITADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHNEA_CRISTINA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MORARIU_MARICICA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NEAMTU_CARMEN_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NEDELCU_ANGELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NICOARA_ANDREEA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NISTOR_ROZALIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NITA_EUGENIA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NITULESCU_SANDADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NUTU_AURELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NUTU_DOINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NUTU_VALENTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file OLTENACU_GIORGIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PARASCHIV_MILEA_EMA_LIDA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PATRU_ADRIAN_IONUTDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PETRE_IONUTDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PETROVICI_MIHAELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PLOESTEANU_EMMA_ANDREEADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file POPA_MIOARA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file POPESCU_MARIA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADULESCU_GABRIELA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADULESCU_GAROFITADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADU_FLOREDANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RUSE_MARGARETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RUSE_MARINDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SAVU_ELENADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SERBAN_ROBERTDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SFARLEA_MIHAELA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SMADU_VALERIU_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SPANU_VERONICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SPINU_GHERGHINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STAMATE_ANNA_MARIA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STANESCU_LILIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STAN_JULIETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STAN_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STEFANESCU_LUCIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STOICA_ANICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SUSLANESCU_CORINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TAFLARU_GIANNIDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TANASE_FLORICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TELEAGA_ELENA_MARIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TERANU_LAURA_NICOLETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TOMA_CORNELIA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TUDOR_MARIETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file UDREA_LUMINITADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file UNTESCU_FLORICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file VASILITEAN_NICOLETA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file VOINEA_ORTANSA_CORNELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ZAMFIR_STELA_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file

Regulament (UE) nr.679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatia acestor date si de abrograre a Directivei 95/46/CE.

Responsabilul cu protectia datelor :

Maria Popescu


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