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Declaratii avere si interese 2018

Lista declaratiilor de avere si de interese angajatilor directiei aferente anului 2018:

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An Adobe Acrobat file ANDREI_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ANDRONE_GEORGEDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ARABOL_CRISTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ARBAGIC_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file AVRAMESCU_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BADEA_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BANU_MIRELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BARBU_RODICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BOBOC_FANICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BUDAC_ADRIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file BUZOIANU_IULIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHIRICA_LUIZADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHIVULESCU_NICULINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CHRANA_TATIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CIOBANESCU_CRISTIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CISMASU_ANDREEADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CONSTANDACHE_PETRONELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CORNEI_IRINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file COSNITA_MARIA_MAGDALENADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file COVACS_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CRISTEA_IONELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DOBRIN_ALEXANDRADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DRAGANICA_GHEORGHEDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DRAGU_PAULDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DULCEATA_MARILENADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file DUMITRU_MIHAELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file FERARU_DANIELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file FLESERU_CARMENDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHE_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHE_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GHEORGHIU_VALENTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GOTA_MADALINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GROSU_LAVINIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file GROZAVU_LAURENTIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HATCAREANU_CARMENDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IANCU_MARGARETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ION_ANISOARADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IORDACHE_GINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ISPIR_MARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ISTRATE_VICTORITADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IVANOV_ADRIANDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file IVAN_DORINDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file KHELLACHA_MARIANADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MAGEARU_CORNELIADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARIN_MIRELA_NICOLETADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARTIN_VALENTINDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MARTIN_VIORICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHAILIDIS_VALERICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHAI_LUMINITADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MIHNEA_CRISTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MORARIU MARICICADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NEAMTU CARMENDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NEDELCU ANGELADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NICOARA ANDREEADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NISTOR ROZALIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NITA EUGENIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NITULESCU SANDA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NUTU AURELIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file NUTU VALENTINA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file OLTENACU GIORGIANA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PARASCHIV MILEA EMA LIDA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PARISCU CRISTIAN_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PATRU ADRIAN IONUT_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PETRE IONUT_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file PETROVICI MIHAELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file POPA MIOARA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file POPESCU MARIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADU FLOREDANA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADULESCU GAROFITA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RADULESCU MIOARA GABRIELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RUSE MARGARETA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file RUSE MARIN_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SAVU ELENA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SERBAN ROBERT_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SFARLEA MIHAELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SMADU VALERIU_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SPANU VERONICA TATIANA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SPINU GHERGHINA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STAMATE ANNA-MARIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STANCIU MARINELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STANESCU LILIANA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STAN MARIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STEFANESCU LUCIAN_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file STOICA ANICA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TAFLARU GIANNI_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TANASE FLORICA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TELEAGA ELENA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TEODORESCU GEORGIANA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TOMA CORNELIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file TUDOR MARIETA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file UDREA LUMINITA MIHAELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file UNTESCU FLORICA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file VASILE GEORGETA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file VASILITEAN NICOLETA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file VOINEA ORTANSA CORNELIA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file ZAMFIR STELA_newDownload Preceding File Preview the file

Regulament (UE) nr.679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatia acestor date si de abrograre a Directivei 95/46/CE.

Responsabilul cu protectia datelor :

Maria Popescu


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