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A Revolutionary Content Module with Multiple Layout Options

RokSprocket is a revolutionary new extension for Joomla designed to give you an incredible level of control over how you present your content. Sophisticated content filters, robust layout modes and options, integration with multiple content providers, and a streamlined no-nonsense interface all contribute to a powerful yet user friendly experience from start to finish.

  • Multiple Layout Options
  • Multiple Content Providers
  • Advanced Cumulative Filters
  • Advanced Sorting Rules
  • Custom Article Configuration
  • RokGallery/MediaManager Support

To learn more about the implementation details of supporting responsive design for RocketTheme's Extensions, please visit the following link.

Responsive Design: Part 3 - RocketTheme's Extensions

Mobile Touch Events

From the very genesis of it's development, RokSprocket was designed with responsive layouts in mind. We also implemented touch events to allow you to 'swipe' to change tabs, headlines, features and lists. This makes RokSprocket an excellent solution for responsive site building.



Text Size

K2 (3rd Party) Styling Support


K2 is the popular powerful content extension for Joomla! with CCK-like features. The version used in this Demo site is 2.6.5. K2 was built as a complete replacement of the default article system in Joomla!. Install it like any Joomla! extension, import your articles from the default Joomla! article system and you instantly get a host of new features for your existing content.

The 3rd party component K2 is NOT included in RocketLauncher. You will need to download them from Get K2 and configure them on your site.


Increase the speed of your site by enabling the RokBooster plug-in. RokBooster can dramatically reduce the number of HTTP calls a browser has to make, and sending those compressed files GZipped means your pages will load faster with less load.

Download: RokBooster


RokPad provides advanced functions such as an Ajax saving action, syntax highlighting, multiple cursors and selections, shortcut keys, and many other incredible features that traditionally would only be found in a powerful desktop editor.

Download: RokPad

Regulament (UE) nr.679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatia acestor date si de abrograre a Directivei 95/46/CE.

Responsabilul cu protectia datelor :

Maria Popescu


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